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英国/NAD C 245BEE HIFI放大器

The C 245BEE is an amplifier with uncommon talent. With its four-channel architecture it can provide several system building options. Used with our C 165BEE preamp, it offers more than enough power to drive the loudspeaker of your choice with the interesting option to bi-amplify. Connected to the Zone Output of our AV Receiver, the C 245BEE can send different music programs to remote speakers.
4 x 35W Minimum Continuous Power into 4 / 8 ohms, all channels driven simultaneously, 20Hz - 20kHz at 0.03% THD (NAD Full Disclosure Power)
55W, 85W, 95W IHF Dynamic Power into 8, 4 and 2 ohms, respectively
2 x 70W Minimum Continuous Power into 8 ohms in Bridge Mode
Channel A + B Switching
ATOLogic 12 volt trigger/signal sensing input
Line Level "Loop Through" Outputs
Short signal path from input to output
All sockets Gold-plated
Multi-way Binding Post Speaker Outputs
Detachable IEC Power Cable
<1W Standby Power Consumption
Free of lead and other environmentally dangerous substances