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Mcintosh/麦景图 MCC406M 6通道功率放大器


Mcintosh/麦景图 MCC406M 6通道功率放大器

该MCC406M六声道功率放大器提供400高功率输出电流能力结合瓦。 这将驱动任何扬声器系统,以高品质的最终性能水平。 6个功放通道,每4个50瓦,两个小于0.005%失真100瓦能够保证你不会动力不足的! 完全离散设计瞬态保护功能开启,多阶段的热保护,规范的冷却风扇。 当然,完全免费的传奇麦金托什双平衡配置也出席了会议。
Power Output Per Channel Channels 1 thru 4:
50 watts into 4 ohm loads or 100 watts into 2 ohm loads, is
the minimum sine wave continuous average power output
per channel all channels operating.
Channels 5 and 6:
100 watts into 4 ohm loads or 200 watts into 2 ohm loads,
is the minimum sine wave continuous average power output
per channel all channels operating.
Power Output Bridged Channels (1 and 2) or (3 and 4):
200 watts into 4 ohm loads, is the minimum sine wave continuous
average power output with all channels operating.
Channels (5 and 6):
400 watts into 4 ohm loads is the minimum sine wave continuous
average power output with all channels operating.
Rated Power Band
20Hz to 20,000Hz
Total Harmonic Distortion
Maximum Total Harmonic Distortion at any power
level from 250 milliwatts to rated power output is:
0.005% for 4 ohm loads
0.01% for 2 ohm loads
0.01% for Bridged Mode with 4 ohm loads
Dynamic Headroom
Frequency Response
+0, -0.25dB from 20Hz to 20,000Hz
+0, -3dB from 10Hz to 50,000Hz
A-Weighted Signal To Noise Ratio
105dB (1.5V)
High Pass Filter
Variable from 5Hz to 5,000Hz, 12 dB per octave
Low Pass Filter
Variable from 50Hz to 5,000Hz, 12 dB per octave (24 dB
per octave in Bridged Mode for Channels 5 and 6)
Subwoofer Filter
Low Pass filtered at 200 Hz with a 6dB per octave slope
(level variable ±12dB when using optional McIntosh External
Subwoofer Rotary Control).
Intermodulation Distortion
Maximum Intermodulation Distortion if instantaneous
peak output per channel does not exceed
twice the rated output, for any combination of frequencies
from 20Hz to20,000Hz, with all channels
operating is:
0.005% for 4 ohm loads
0.01% for 2 ohm loads
0.01% for Bridged Mode with 4 ohm loads
Input Impedance
12,000 ohms
Power Requirements
12 Volts DC, 4.5 amps (idle) - 75 amps (4 ohm loads)
12-1/2 inches (31.1 cm) wide, 3 inches (7.6 cm)
high, 18-2/5 inches (46.7cm) depth
20.5 pounds (9.3 Kg) net, 23.5 pounds (10.6 Kg) in
shipping carton




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